Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A conversation I had with a friend of mine, Scribbles....


ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:aaahh wish i could buy that in a store
Scribbles says:yea..that wud be something
Scribbles says: actually im glad its unavailable
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:well come to think of it would illegal to sell time and there would be a campaign " say no to time"..and in a few mnths products like love and happiness and spiritual bliss would also be available on the market
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:albeit in underground levels of existence .....
Scribbles says:hmm i wonder wher wud the material things go then...on 80 % sale
Scribbles says:or available free
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:no material things would hike their rates cuz everybody wants to compete with time
Scribbles says: imagine peddling for time...yea!!
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:yeah then imagine time walking by you and ud have to say that time jst passed you by
Scribbles says:and ppl bragging that they have all the time eternity has to offer
Scribbles says:lol...
Scribbles says:but u wud be running after the time that is passing u by if u were stingy..and banks wud have schemes to buy in installments
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:yeah then Love would feel Jealous of all the attention Time was getting
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:and would go to Happiness for help....
Scribbles says:Happiness wud be engrossed and busy
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:on the other hand Jealousy would file charges against Love for feeling her...
Scribbles says:cuz suddenly the demand wud be rising
Scribbles says:lol...
Scribbles says:but Jealousy wud plead not guilty with circumstantial evidence
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:eventually Time would have to get wasted on some Jack .....and proclaim that its is he who is the law......
Scribbles says: and the changing economy
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:and from now on everyone would abide by Time
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:which is basically where we are today
Scribbles says:lol...
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:hahahahah
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:faakin awesome i say
Scribbles says:yea circling in time
Scribbles says:yea!!
Scribbles says:what face wud u give it?
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:face for time ?
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:maybe its be a child....time.
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:and definetly a girl
Scribbles says:why?
Scribbles says:i think its a wise old man!!
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:hhmm....dunno a girl would be Time personified cuz of the elegance and speed at which it moves
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:and she could be a bawling horror when she decides to plurge peoples feelings
Scribbles says: i dont c speed in time
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:well maybe its a geographical thing linked to sensors in an individuals brain
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:cuz here where i am now..i blink and its 4 mnths...time lapses the way a woman would catch ur glimpse and turn the corner never to be seen again.
Scribbles says:lol...
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:well maybe a woman then....but female for sure
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:infact i have this weird feeling of God being female..(edit: Nick you the man)
Scribbles says:that i agree with...
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:i like it that way
Scribbles says:had to be female
Scribbles says:hmm..
Scribbles says:anyway will continue this..heading home now
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:i guess only a woman has to have the sensulatity to equip us droids with immense emotion....
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:yeah later then
ReSoLUtion_oF_DuALiTy says:was a nice trip
Scribbles says:totally..
Scribbles says: cya

Awesome stufff Smita!!!! always a pleasure to stretch the mind after hours of mundane brochure designs and layouts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The journey cannot be broken.

It must flow with the same intensity. The sounds pull me deeper into its core and make me scream.

A scream of ecstasy and love. A scream filled with energy and octaves never fathomed by the sense of hearing. It is muted as compared to energy created by the others.

Together we boom.

I see the lights jump in unison defying gravity defying thought and physics. A huge ball of power I see rising up in the sky collecting more and more as it heads up to the skies….

The others gaze with shut eyes at the irony they exist in.

They see.

They know.

The ball of power creates a divine form smiles impishly at us down below and plummets to the point of origin gathering momentum from loose energy cells that dare hover nearby.


Open chest, ready to absorb the blow, we stand, mere mortals to this mass of neuro-energy.
An amalgamation of thoughts colors feelings and sound. As I walk through these huge structures of concrete mass I see smiling people.

Déjà vu.

A feeling of reminisce accompanied with powerful trips down the pathway of future.. Curving roads , 6 feet tall speed breakers and whole civilization walking with me matching me step by step move by move.

I dance along the black and white visual on the road pausing to make a note to self, are we as confused as the artwork or have we habituated to psycho analysing everything that comes our way?

Whatever the answer to that can wait for now I’ve hit these crazy blurs of light that seem to just appear and disappear in front of me……are they attached to an object or do they simply switch on and move from place to place. Red orange pink blue metallic and earthy vibes create a vortex that sucks every thing human including a couple of innocent pillars that have never experienced the world of life altering visuals and crystal clear sounds.

Finally I seem to have reached my destination but it feels like I’ve danced in one place….thoughts do move objects, places and cities.

Maybe all this travelling we experience is us in one place all the time and our thoughts doing all the moving. Well after all, they do manifest reality.

One day we will see yellow gorillas and blue flamingos flying up in the clouds. We will have pink frappe latte for breakfast and consume multicoloured fruits.

And yes we would be still dancing.
A hand that casts its shadow over cities. Energy emitting from its finger tips.A powerful communication link established between nature and the human. Unseen melody.

A horse that dares to lift is head to gaze at the finish. Beyond the finish. A gazeless stare. No end in sight. Still on.

A horde of feather like species staring at us as if the world we dance in is a mirage. With wonder they look us in the eye searching for meaning, visuals and half baked brain cells .

They see colors.

I run with them as I walk. A race I never want to win.

A circular orbit they spin me through.

I spin.

I twirl.

I dip.

I live.

I now know why I’m human.

I now know why I exist..


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Shoot he screamed.

Its like seeing purple dots with dancing faries everywhere. Blood, well since its got nothing else to do decided to come in gallons and crashes the very party its been asked to keep miles away from.

And since its had enough of peace, quiet and serenity wants a piece of the action , the claim to fame, the delicious scarlet cherry on the 4 foot cake.

Cant stop it from rushing into my head.

Shoot he said, just once but it seems like hes just repeatin the word over and over again...infact i can see his eyes flaming the back of my neck, and i can see his face smirkin while he dishes out what he thinks is just another word form the english dictionary.


Its about time my eyes try to focus, an activity that requires formal approval from some body sitting up high. There goes my trophy of conscience. I see images of poor people i passed by, hungry eyes i looked away from and sobbing faces i refused to acknowledge and now....this. My finger places itself gently on the shiny metal trigger.

Suddenly i feel at home.
I have always loved the feel of cold steel.

Blood, who has been creating chaos up in my head finally settles down, my lungs manage to stabalise themselves.....i know this feeling.

I love this feeling.

Like a symphony , my neck dips low and right. my elbows fall into perfect position. i can hear my ears shut out all sound, and my lips turn dry. Its like watchin super slow mo. So elegant so flawless.

I love this feeling.

I feel the bullet pop into its destined path, the hammer heaves away, says a small prayer and thunders through the air onto to the unsuspecting bullet. A silent pop and it whooshes through the air. i can see it travel and look around at this new world its thrown into. spinning round and round, piercing air as she elegantly glides towards her destination.

She savours every moment and finally after its short apology to its victim, she enters into the forehead. And as quietly as she enters she leaves with out a whisper and continues on trying to prolong her short life and squeeze every remaing drop of inanimate life she has.

The body drops to the ground.
It feels good.

My blood now has infact decided to have an out of body experience.
It spills on to the green grass and gleams in the monlight.

I love this feeling.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


For infinity i searched to be one with death.

Routine Lives, Happy they say
Mechanical Slaves, Another fruitful day.


Fruits that yield poison
Does no good for man nor child

Prisoners they are.
Changing with the tide.
Philosophy they churn
their methods they justify.
For a dime and a shilling their minds Die.

Men I saw, working energy
Running Empires of Currency.
I pondered how
and I asked myself.
Why so cruel? Our times.

Then for a second I loved
A dark haired soul.
For a moment I felt its power roar.
Slaves we are
Imprisoned by hope.

Slaves we are,
Impriosned by hope.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The sidewinder

I had to finish all this ice cream soon. The summer sun wasn’t kind today and my dentist too had had his share of immense joy. Melting vanilla ice-cream was a medically recommended treat, a wonderful medicine to be consumed as I sit on the sand dunes.

I’ve been expecting them. 22 boys and 23 girls traveling through the vast deserts of the unknown. A first time experience for many, a hard and draining path for those elder ones. A grunt echoes through the particles of air or sand which one I cannot say but my eyes await for a sight.

The caravan appears led by the most beautiful of all women sitting across this grand dark brown camel. The face shielded by a scarf flowing for miles behind her. I stare unabashedly as she slowly approaches and passes me. Her fragrance, hovers around me causing temporary molecular transportation( a phenomenon still being investigated by the likes of mankind).

The rest of the group gradually lines up behind her. She halts and offers me her delicate fingers. A decision I have by then, made a thousand times over in mind I effortlessly climb onto this beast. I appear to have sat in front of her and sometimes I move behind her. Her scarf playing ever so gently with my face every-time a switch occurs. I can see Love poke its tiny but very recognizable head from the ear of the camel. A funny place to stay I ponder …. like I’m going to complain. I wish it could stay everywhere at once.

But if wishes could be horses I wouldnt be riding a camel.

The trees squint to catch a glimpse of us traveling along this dark , deserted winding path. On the way to a destination, an energy fest of some sort. A magic carpet ride through hills and moonlit horizons. Vision is of no concern as we plummet blindly , in and out of turns passing the occasional nocturnal scream. A bat I presume.

Music dances all around, pushing us to recognize the limitations of the sitting human structure.

As I gaze through my window I see the world. Not the one filled with the daily deputation of blind hearts and overactive neurons striving for monetary romp with the feeling now loosely called satisfaction.

I see the black shades of night as she dresses up the Earth with her fantastic cloaks of darkness.
A horse I see. Shifting through the spaces of time with unfathomable agility. On water it speeds. Tiny droplets of water leap aside, less the mighty beast squash them. Her black coat covering those taut muscles, gleam in the sunlight. The sun himself glares down with a hint of jealousy. Presumably the thought of running away alone where no one can see, plays like a routine fantasy in his fiery mind.The horse unfazed by the hordes of trees, gallops away.

I watch her as she approaches.

Strongly and swiftly.
Should I step aside and give her away or am I destined to break her ferocious momentum.

I watch.

She elegantly jumps over sleeping logs, hovering birds whistle her on. The trees too seem to chant an audible cheer.
I see her. She appears like the dance of destruction, so beautiful, so graceful yet the aftermath unavoidable. I try to shut my excited eyes….a feat in which I fail miserably. I can feel the hot air pounding around me. I can smell the sweat. My own mixed so flawlessly with the strong scent of her body as she thunders towards me. Not missing a single beat.
Do I not appear visible to her. Am I a mirage? Or is she unreal? What am I doing here in the middle of this enormous wild enclave of leaves and wood? Thoughts that I have never wondered pour in from all parts of my throbbing brain.
I stare into her eyes. A link is created. Her eyes throw a reflection of astounding visuals all covered with the gleam of the morning sun. I hold my hands out. Acceptance I believe is the journey of our life. I do not fight it anymore. My mind is quiet. A serene peace engulfs my body. Noises fade away.
She comes to a thundering halt. An action I find no words to describe except the feeling of intense energy surging through her body. Her panting ceases. Her heart slows down.

Is it over?

I look into her mind. I see forests and birds.
A horse is what I see.
Shifting through the spaces of time with unfathomable agility.