Saturday, June 25, 2005


For infinity i searched to be one with death.

Routine Lives, Happy they say
Mechanical Slaves, Another fruitful day.


Fruits that yield poison
Does no good for man nor child

Prisoners they are.
Changing with the tide.
Philosophy they churn
their methods they justify.
For a dime and a shilling their minds Die.

Men I saw, working energy
Running Empires of Currency.
I pondered how
and I asked myself.
Why so cruel? Our times.

Then for a second I loved
A dark haired soul.
For a moment I felt its power roar.
Slaves we are
Imprisoned by hope.

Slaves we are,
Impriosned by hope.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The sidewinder

I had to finish all this ice cream soon. The summer sun wasn’t kind today and my dentist too had had his share of immense joy. Melting vanilla ice-cream was a medically recommended treat, a wonderful medicine to be consumed as I sit on the sand dunes.

I’ve been expecting them. 22 boys and 23 girls traveling through the vast deserts of the unknown. A first time experience for many, a hard and draining path for those elder ones. A grunt echoes through the particles of air or sand which one I cannot say but my eyes await for a sight.

The caravan appears led by the most beautiful of all women sitting across this grand dark brown camel. The face shielded by a scarf flowing for miles behind her. I stare unabashedly as she slowly approaches and passes me. Her fragrance, hovers around me causing temporary molecular transportation( a phenomenon still being investigated by the likes of mankind).

The rest of the group gradually lines up behind her. She halts and offers me her delicate fingers. A decision I have by then, made a thousand times over in mind I effortlessly climb onto this beast. I appear to have sat in front of her and sometimes I move behind her. Her scarf playing ever so gently with my face every-time a switch occurs. I can see Love poke its tiny but very recognizable head from the ear of the camel. A funny place to stay I ponder …. like I’m going to complain. I wish it could stay everywhere at once.

But if wishes could be horses I wouldnt be riding a camel.

The trees squint to catch a glimpse of us traveling along this dark , deserted winding path. On the way to a destination, an energy fest of some sort. A magic carpet ride through hills and moonlit horizons. Vision is of no concern as we plummet blindly , in and out of turns passing the occasional nocturnal scream. A bat I presume.

Music dances all around, pushing us to recognize the limitations of the sitting human structure.

As I gaze through my window I see the world. Not the one filled with the daily deputation of blind hearts and overactive neurons striving for monetary romp with the feeling now loosely called satisfaction.

I see the black shades of night as she dresses up the Earth with her fantastic cloaks of darkness.
A horse I see. Shifting through the spaces of time with unfathomable agility. On water it speeds. Tiny droplets of water leap aside, less the mighty beast squash them. Her black coat covering those taut muscles, gleam in the sunlight. The sun himself glares down with a hint of jealousy. Presumably the thought of running away alone where no one can see, plays like a routine fantasy in his fiery mind.The horse unfazed by the hordes of trees, gallops away.

I watch her as she approaches.

Strongly and swiftly.
Should I step aside and give her away or am I destined to break her ferocious momentum.

I watch.

She elegantly jumps over sleeping logs, hovering birds whistle her on. The trees too seem to chant an audible cheer.
I see her. She appears like the dance of destruction, so beautiful, so graceful yet the aftermath unavoidable. I try to shut my excited eyes….a feat in which I fail miserably. I can feel the hot air pounding around me. I can smell the sweat. My own mixed so flawlessly with the strong scent of her body as she thunders towards me. Not missing a single beat.
Do I not appear visible to her. Am I a mirage? Or is she unreal? What am I doing here in the middle of this enormous wild enclave of leaves and wood? Thoughts that I have never wondered pour in from all parts of my throbbing brain.
I stare into her eyes. A link is created. Her eyes throw a reflection of astounding visuals all covered with the gleam of the morning sun. I hold my hands out. Acceptance I believe is the journey of our life. I do not fight it anymore. My mind is quiet. A serene peace engulfs my body. Noises fade away.
She comes to a thundering halt. An action I find no words to describe except the feeling of intense energy surging through her body. Her panting ceases. Her heart slows down.

Is it over?

I look into her mind. I see forests and birds.
A horse is what I see.
Shifting through the spaces of time with unfathomable agility.