Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Letter

Please don’t worry about a thing.

What you do has always had pure energy…no malice no hidden agenda…no lies.
When people become slaves to the corporate world and money the demons in them slowly arise….please don’t be angry with them as only your vibe will change, your work will get affected…your children will be the recipients of negative energy…your loved ones will see the change and as your lover and friend i will see it

You are my free bird. You are my fantasy element of flight. I live my life through your eyes and as I look around I only see freedom……away from the shackles of this material world. Away from the chains of close minded manipulative society.

I see you soar.

I see you.

I see.

I you.


Together we shall over come every single obstacle that appears. We shall clear ourselves from all the blocks tha humans as a specie has created. We shall teach love and compassion respect and creative expression to the world. We shall not be brought down mentally or physically by the forces of laziness and fear.

With you I see the most beautiful landscape. I see nature. I see the animals of the world . I see a place filled with love, respect and creative abundance.

We shall not be scared and live for just the vision of being one with nature. My art your teaching is all a by-product of this society we live in. we will live artistically with nature. We shall teach the ones that come after us the meaning of expression through nature.

We will be one with nature first.

Everything else will then follow.

The creative green project.
