Sunday, January 22, 2006

Do i remember how it all began ?
The past a pleasant blur, infusing with the now in my life.Back tracking, a mind blowing rush, the bright side to the empire, a glimpse of paradise, the air the smoke, the oxygen.
The dance.
The crazy impulsive steps that now proceed backwards, like this is the way its meant to be.
Part novel, part music, part human , part substance.
What is this nonsensical plurge I find myslef in?

The past.
So clear, that it makes so much sense and it never stops.

Cars move in reverse as i step into a lost traveller looking for a companion.As i get out the smell of sand and acid infused air over powers me.You could inhale a round of colors while a magical note taps you gently on the left shoulder, inviting you on a jestful twisted journey. The person on my right dances away to a crazy Japanese Dj who peeks at all of us noticing every twitch and smile. He belts out powerful tunes showing us mortals the darkside on a bright morning by the beach. A mad hatter walks amogst us offering genrous doses reeling us in with his colorful personality. On the shore an old man swings his arms towards the sun, not stopping for a moment. All this energy in the air , and i understand Einstein.A close friend of mine watches over us as we teleport our minds into the music and construct our own realities. She sees the happiness and joins in.

We retreat to cafe by the sea where a lady paints away. The cool taste of passion engulfs the four of us as we soak in the sunset. The sun glistens off rocks as we notice a distant hill burn.

Smiles all around.
More smiles.
Even more of them happy faces as i make my way backwards through these trancing people, all hitting a similar beat and twisting their fingers in holographic ecstacy. The group heads back home as two of us remain to take on the onslaught of musical mind expansion. My companion provides an insight to the plights of materialism and the pleasures of helping the needy. He stomps away as Skazi pierces the air with warped guitar riffs.

the entire posse is back , now in a valley dancing like maniacs, bringing in the New Year. We fill our night with every possible emotion that we would experience in the near future. A unicorn prances all over Goa, beutiful in her beat matched elegance, followers do exactly as they were meant to.
They Follow.
Folow me she seems to say, into this slope of unimaginable depth and I shall show you a glimpse of heaven. Fear paranoia embraces laughs and water fill our bodies as we enter the dark uv lit psyte. The bikes unwind themselves through the serpent roads of Arambol all the way back to Chapora.

Did that just happen?
I'm sorry to break your trip becuase now i see a starlight sky and the voice of the ocean caress my fingertips. we huddle over a flame recognizing old faces and the odd smile prolongs the insane trip. The warmth is necessary, so is the blanket that once lay on the shoulders of a friend. Plain white ....but now a mix of colors, hallucinations music and memories.

The raw power , another visual beckoned, the clean dance, purifyed the air all around me. Made me feel a twad bit jealous..her energy i can call upon anytime. She spurts out terrific vibes that swirl all around elevating the earth from its comfortable axis.
The lamp lights up, fades away but still holds her own as she floats away in her dreamy state of mind. The tongues of the flame sparks up breakfast and conversation as we search for definition.

The medicine man keeps the supplies on, showings us glimpses of smoke cleverly mixed with practicality and love. A run in with his friends introduces me to the impish goblin who wears his brain on his sleeve and his tshirt backwards.We party away at the shack as the drops of water take control.
The sweet faces as they drank and continued as if rejuvinated.