Monday, May 22, 2006

I dislike forwards.PERIOD.
esp. those ones that ask you to send it to a 100 people and an eel to get good luck.
Fills up my inbox.....nothing else. (Note: the funny humorous ones I don’t mind..the lame-help this girl, how to recognize an elephant and how to feed an anaconda are the ones that I have serious issue with.)
I'm starting the Universe of Senseless Stories. (read half take a breath get married get back and finish the rest)
This is the first one (a letter to someone who just frwded "how to recognize a stroke"):



A forward infact its a backward you will never forget.

Once there was this dude (name changed for obvious reasons) that used to
love birds.
He would stare all day at these eagles and wonder how would it be to soar.
He drew plans and meticulously sketched out designs that would help him

He came up with a device that would change the structure of the DNA in your
body, defractuate hormones and increase the multiplication of
Cardiouspandilour cells (that normally increase the rate at which the heart
goes whup..not whop but whup...the lower deeper sound that normally
resonates whilst a ear or a mike is placed near the current location of the

This device would change the way humans looked at airplanes and ufos.
In fact they would be able to look up the nose of a plane (which would then
be used for historical education) and call out to their daughter who forgot
her spawn and jerry lunch box (two big slices of grapes and one liter of
aero fuel)

Humans would get rid of emails and courier services..maybe the courier
service would move with time and eventually come in at a close 57th position
with its innovative pursuit of how to deliver a cd to Memphis. The internet
would be used for just chatting (something that will not change don’t
get your innerwear up in a bunch). You could fly your girl, parents,
neighbor’s ferocious dog to any place you like ..infcat you could fly with
them except the dog (whom you could drop on a swaying beanstalk and shout
STAY. That should help you deal with all the time the kind little
rottweiler has been freaking you out with his salivating menacing growl and
evil dog poo. (same procedure suggested for ex girlfiriends...except u could
spin by a dilapidated haunted castle up in the hills of Scotland and leave
her there giving way to verb '"to dump".

Well Rachita I hope you have leant that persistence and hard work always pays
off and that’s how the little boy created this phenomenon (trivia: that word
is the long lost brother of this writer) in about three weeks of having his
mind come up with the brief.

Moral of the story: hard work pays. If you work for an mnc it pays even

Please send this to ten people whose name starts with an inverted x and you
shall be sent this miraculous device called in all its glory " the Flying
Device Thingy" (notice the twist in the name with the creative placing of
the uncommon word "thingy" suggested by a copywriter who earns millions a
year and has now bought the pink Floyd cd and listens to the track "learning
to fly" all day.)

This letter will self-destruct in a couple of years. In other words this is
the beginning of my contribution to the universe of senseless stories a
collection of which i will publicly release tomorrow.

So be a darling hit forward or the back button. Press escape or try
Cntrl+Space+ f16 (all with your left hand) to make all your miserable,
fantastical, sentimental wishes come true.

man do I have a lot of time.

No.( answer to q above)




All of the above is a depiction of actual facts including the non-existing
years and other numerical numbers that I haven’t included. Except for the
Beanstalk. Now that is a bit of my creative license at work. If you own a
beanstalk I’m sorry there could be a chance I was referring to that
particular one.
Apologies. (also for the misleading subject header)

Friday, March 24, 2006

What is Psychedelia ?

A journey through the inner mind.
Tunes that dance along as you travel.

An exploration of thoughts.

A mind traveller.

Its like when a multi layered track or for the matter a simple melody that invokes that feeling of understanding and slowly progresses into self exploration .
It could be the wind blowing with the sound of the birds accompanied by rubber tyres on a gravel that suddenly allows you to pick a beat set your layers and feel like a cosmic dj.

A dance where nature dances with you.

A dance where the music isn’t sound waves emitted from speakers but a personified form that prances and hops, step by step on your right.

A dance where you are YOU.

I have always thought self realization is like this cloaked form with a bowler hat that doesn’t just tap you on the shoulder to make its self visible . It picks you up throws you into the depths of neuron filled travel series, off a suspended cliff and as you plummet or rise you slowly see visuals and words and feeling and emotions getting clearer and as you land tired but amused at the journey it pops up right in front of you and with a gentle clap it appears in clear bright light.

Another journey, that might have taken some time, but eventually brings out the YOU in you.

Isn’t that what we all live for ?

Isn’t that the sole purpose of living this life.
How you choose do it is entirely your call, all I’m saying that there is a little bit of psychedelia in every one.

An open mind is the only thing I ask you to bring along.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

He walks down dark paths, meeting a chaotic mix of characters.
He welcomes them with his open notes and visual sounds.
He plays a tune pulling their souls and making them sway.He gathers a tribe as he flows. An occasional glance behind to acknowledge the fact he knows.

She knows.She watches him from a distance. sometimes smiling sometimes in fury.
She loves him.

He knows.
He loves her too.

He moves away with the music.She jumps on.They filter their emotions as the pass the crowd.They slowly vanish re-appearing in a world they call Their Own.In a beautiful sea they Float and on land they Levitate.
Looking around they find Peace.They find themselves.

The crowd still watches Still in a happy daze. Still wondering.Soon they will be New Worlds.

New Love.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown.

Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through anyone that suits you.

I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then - whoosh, and I'm gone... and they'll never see anything like it ever again, and they won't be able to forget me - ever.

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.

Jim Morrison

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Surrealism had a great effect on me because then I realised that the imagery in my mind wasn't insanity. Surrealism to me is reality.

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.

You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.

Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.

John Lennon

( all said and done The Beatles did get the rock rolling - ashwin.)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Do i remember how it all began ?
The past a pleasant blur, infusing with the now in my life.Back tracking, a mind blowing rush, the bright side to the empire, a glimpse of paradise, the air the smoke, the oxygen.
The dance.
The crazy impulsive steps that now proceed backwards, like this is the way its meant to be.
Part novel, part music, part human , part substance.
What is this nonsensical plurge I find myslef in?

The past.
So clear, that it makes so much sense and it never stops.

Cars move in reverse as i step into a lost traveller looking for a companion.As i get out the smell of sand and acid infused air over powers me.You could inhale a round of colors while a magical note taps you gently on the left shoulder, inviting you on a jestful twisted journey. The person on my right dances away to a crazy Japanese Dj who peeks at all of us noticing every twitch and smile. He belts out powerful tunes showing us mortals the darkside on a bright morning by the beach. A mad hatter walks amogst us offering genrous doses reeling us in with his colorful personality. On the shore an old man swings his arms towards the sun, not stopping for a moment. All this energy in the air , and i understand Einstein.A close friend of mine watches over us as we teleport our minds into the music and construct our own realities. She sees the happiness and joins in.

We retreat to cafe by the sea where a lady paints away. The cool taste of passion engulfs the four of us as we soak in the sunset. The sun glistens off rocks as we notice a distant hill burn.

Smiles all around.
More smiles.
Even more of them happy faces as i make my way backwards through these trancing people, all hitting a similar beat and twisting their fingers in holographic ecstacy. The group heads back home as two of us remain to take on the onslaught of musical mind expansion. My companion provides an insight to the plights of materialism and the pleasures of helping the needy. He stomps away as Skazi pierces the air with warped guitar riffs.

the entire posse is back , now in a valley dancing like maniacs, bringing in the New Year. We fill our night with every possible emotion that we would experience in the near future. A unicorn prances all over Goa, beutiful in her beat matched elegance, followers do exactly as they were meant to.
They Follow.
Folow me she seems to say, into this slope of unimaginable depth and I shall show you a glimpse of heaven. Fear paranoia embraces laughs and water fill our bodies as we enter the dark uv lit psyte. The bikes unwind themselves through the serpent roads of Arambol all the way back to Chapora.

Did that just happen?
I'm sorry to break your trip becuase now i see a starlight sky and the voice of the ocean caress my fingertips. we huddle over a flame recognizing old faces and the odd smile prolongs the insane trip. The warmth is necessary, so is the blanket that once lay on the shoulders of a friend. Plain white ....but now a mix of colors, hallucinations music and memories.

The raw power , another visual beckoned, the clean dance, purifyed the air all around me. Made me feel a twad bit jealous..her energy i can call upon anytime. She spurts out terrific vibes that swirl all around elevating the earth from its comfortable axis.
The lamp lights up, fades away but still holds her own as she floats away in her dreamy state of mind. The tongues of the flame sparks up breakfast and conversation as we search for definition.

The medicine man keeps the supplies on, showings us glimpses of smoke cleverly mixed with practicality and love. A run in with his friends introduces me to the impish goblin who wears his brain on his sleeve and his tshirt backwards.We party away at the shack as the drops of water take control.
The sweet faces as they drank and continued as if rejuvinated.